Genetic Frontiers: Innovations in Animal Breeding for a Sustainable Future

Animal Production Science AAABG edition

Animal Production Science

Volume 61 Numbers 17 & 18 2021

Special Issue

24th Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics

Table of Contents pdf
Preliminary material i-xiii
Helen Newton Turner Medallist Oration 2019
Genetic evaluation in Merinos: the past and future opportunities 1745
K. D. Atkins
Within-breed selection is sufficient to improve terminal crossbred beef marbling: a review of reciprocal recurrent genomic selection 1751
R. A. McEwin, M. L. Hebart, H. Oakey and W. S. Pitchford
Research Papers
Impact of missing pedigrees in single-step genomic evaluation 1760
K. Meyer
Microbiome analysis of the skin of sheep that are resistant or susceptible to breech flystrike 1774
J. C. Greeff, E. A. Paz, K. Munyard, A. C. Schlink, J. Smith, L. J. E. Karlsson, G. B. Martin and D. Groth
A method for implementing methane breeding values in Australian dairy cattle 1781
C. M. Richardson, B. Sunduimijid, P. Amer, I. van den Berg and J. E. Pryce
Breed-adjusted genomic relationship matrices as a method to account for population stratification in multibreed populations of tropically adapted beef heifers 1788
C. L. Warburton, R. Costilla, B. N. Engle, N. J. Corbet, J. M. Allen, G. Fordyce, M. R. McGowan, B. M. Burns and B. J. Hayes
Ultra-small SNP panels to uniquely identify individuals in thousands of samples 1796
S. Dominik, C. J. Duff, A. I. Byrne, H. Daetwyler and A. Reverter
Genetic parameters of blood urea nitrogen and milk urea nitrogen concentration in dairy cattle managed in pasture-based production systems of New Zealand and Australia 1801
I. van den Berg, P. N. Ho, M. Haile-Mariam, P. R. Beatson, E. O’Connor and J. E. Pryce
Evaluation of dominance in tropically adapted composite beef cattle 1811
M. L. Facy, M. L. Hebart, H. Oakey, R. A. McEwin, G. I. Popplewell and W. S. Pitchford
Bayesian genome-wide analysis of cattle traits using variants with functional and evolutionary significance 1818
R. Xiang, E. J. Breen, C. P. Prowse-Wilkins, A. J. Chamberlain and M. E. Goddard
Improving the accuracy of predictions for cow survival by multivariate evaluation model 1828
M. Khansefid, M. Haile-Mariam and J. E. Pryce
Redefining residual feed intake to account for marbling fat in beef breeding programs 1837
C. J. Duff, J. H. J. van der Werf, P. F. Parnell and S. A. Clark
Dentition can predict maturity in young Merino sheep 1845
A. M. Bell, S. Dominik, D. Elks, G. Acton and J. Smith
Management tools for genetic diversity in an isolated population of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) in New Zealand 1856
G. E. L. Petersen, P. F. Fennessy and P. K. Dearden
Genetic parameter estimates for male and female fertility traits using genomic data to improve fertility in Australian beef cattle 1863
B. S. Olasege, M. S. Tahir, G. C. Gouveia, J. Kour, L. R. Porto-Neto, B, J. Hayes and M. R. S. Fortes
Growth, body composition and body wrinkle are favourably correlated with reproductive performance in 2-8-year-old Merino sheep 1873
J. A. Chapman, M. L. Hebart and F. D. Brien
Development of Angus SteerSELECT: a genomic-based tool to identify performance differences of Australian Angus steers during feedlot finishing: Phase 1 validation 1884
B. C. Hine, C. J. Duff, A. Byrne, P. Parnell, L. Porto-Neto, Y. Li, A. B. Ingham and A. Reverter
Genetic parameters of breech strike, neck wrinkles, dags and breech cover over the lifetime of crutched Merino ewes in a Mediterranean environment 1893
J. C. Greeff, A. C. Schlink and L. J. E. Karlsson
The use of Hereford sires over mature Angus dams can add value to Angus cattle herds 1905
J. M. Pitchford, J. Jones, M. L. Hebart and W. S. Pitchford
Genomic analysis of purebred and crossbred Angus cattle demonstrates opportunity for multi-breed evaluation 1913
W. S. Pitchford, J. M. Pitchford, R. A. McEwin and R. Tearle
ImmuneDEX: updated genomic estimates of genetic parameters and breeding values for Australian Angus cattle 1919
A. Reverter, B. C. Hine, L. Porto-Neto, P. A. Alexandre, Y. Li, C. J. Duff, S. Dominik and A. B. Ingham
Selection strategies for beef cow size and condition 1925
R. E. Hickson and W. S. Pitchford
Exploring genomic approaches to fast-track genetic gains in breechstrike resistance in Merino sheep 1932
S. Dominik, A. Reverter, L. R. Porto-Neto, J. C. Greeff and J. L. Smith
Impact of a multiple-test strategy on breeding index development for the Australian dairy industry 1940
M. Axford, B. Santos, K. Stachowicz, C. Quinton, J. E. Pryce and P. Amer
Proximity sensors provide an accurate alternative for measuring maternal pedigree of lambs in Australian sheep flocks under commercial conditions 1951
B. Paganoni, A. van Burgel, C. Macleay, V. Scanlan and A. Thompson
The impact of reference composition and genome build on the accuracy of genotype imputation in Australian Angus cattle 1958
H. Aliloo and S. A. Clark
Genetic parameters and trends for lamb survival following long-term divergent selection for number of lambs weaned in the Elsenburg Merino flock 1965
C. L. Nel, A. A. Swan, K. Dzama, A. J. Scholtz and S. W. P. Cloete
The Modular Breeding Program Simulator (MoBPS) allows efficient simulation of complex breeding programs 1982
T. Pook, C. Reimer, A. Freudenberg, L. Büttgen, J. Geibel, A. Ganesan, N.-T. Ha, M. Schlather, L. F. Mikkelsen and H. Simianer
Single-step genomic evaluation of lambing ease in Australian terminal sire breed sheep 1990
L. Li, P. M. Gurman, A. A. Swan and D. J. Brown