Genetic Frontiers: Innovations in Animal Breeding for a Sustainable Future

Previous Medalists

2017 Medalist - Mr Alf Collins

The 2017 Helen Newton Turner Medal was awarded to Mr ALF COLLINS at the 22nd conference of AAABG held in Townsville, Queensland in July 2017.

Mr Collin's oration is published in the proceedings of the 23rd AAABG conference held at the University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales in October 2019.

Mr Collin's medal was conferred by Dr Robert Banks.

2015 Medalist - Dr Arthur Gilmore

The 2015 Helen Newton Turner Medal was awarded to Dr ARTHUR GILMORE at the 21st conference of AAABG held in Lorne, Victoria in September 2015.

Dr Gilmore's oration is published in the proceedings of the 22nd AAABG conference held at Townsville, Queensland in July 2017.

Dr Gilmore's medal was conferred by Dr Robert Banks.

2013 Medalist - Prof Mike Goddard

The 2013 Helen Newton Turner Medal was awarded to Prof MIKE GODDARD at the 20th conference of AAABG held in Napier, New Zealand in October 2013.

Prof Goddard's oration is published in the proceedings of the 21st AAABG conference held at Lorne, Victoria in September 2015.

Prof Goddard's medal was conferred by Dr Robert Banks and Prof Brian Kinghorn.

2011 Medalist - Dr Robert Banks

The 2011 Helen Newton Turner Medal was awarded to Dr ROBERT BANKS at the 19th conference of AAABG held at the University of Western Australia, Perth Western Australia in September 2011.

Dr Banks' oration is published in the proceedings of the 20th AAABG conference held at Napier, New Zealand in October 2013. It can be obtained at HNT Medal Oration 2011.

2009 Medalist - Mr Ryves Hawker

The 2009 Helen Newton Turner Medal was awarded to MR RYVES HAWKER at the 18th conference of AAABG held at the Novotel Barossa, Barossa Valley, S.A. in September-October 2009.

Mr Hawker's oration is published in the proceedings of the 19th AAABG conference held at the University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia. in September 2011. It can be obtained at HNT Medal Oration 2009

Pictured are Mr Ryves Hawker, 2009 Medalist and Mrs Ann Hawker at the award ceremony.

2007 Medalist - Mrs Lucinda Corrigan

The 2007 Helen Newton Turner Medal was awarded to MRS LUCINDA CORRIGAN at the 17th conference of AAABG held at the University of New England in September 2007.

Mrs Corrigan's oration is published in the proceedings of the 18th AAABG conference and can be obtained at HNT Medal Oration 2007

Pictured are Mrs Lucinda Corrigan, 2007 Medalist and Dr Hans Graser, Director, Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit and Member of the Helen Newton Turner Medal.

2005 Medalist - Dr Keith Hammond

The 2005 Helen Newton Turner Medal was awarded to DR KEITH HAMMOND at the 16th conference of AAABG at Noosa Lakes, Queensland in September 2005.

Dr Hammond's oration is published in the proceedings of the 17th AAABG conference and can be obtained at HNT Medal Oration 2005

Pictured are Dr Keith Hammond, 2005 Medalist and Mr Barrie Buffier, NSW Dept. of Primary Industries and Chairman, Helen Newton Turner Medal Trust.