Conference program

The conference program is now available for download. There are two files, one showing an outline of all sessions in a single page, the other with details of all papers in a 9 page document. You should look at the outline file first so you will readily understand the layout of the detailed program document.

Sessions Outline

Click the following link to download the single page program outline.

Sessions Outline

Detailed Program

Click the following link to download the detailed conference program. It contains details of papers to be delivered by both oral and poster presentations

Detailed Program   (383 KB) - Revised 25 June 2011

There will be both plenary and concurrent sessions on each of the three days. The detailed program is arranged in order of days and all concurrent for each day are listed before the next day's sessions. On the first day (19 July) there are up to three concurrent sessions while the following two days have up to two concurrent sessions.

This file is fully indexed so if you wish to quickly locate a specific paper, type the author's surname, or a word in the paper title, into the search box at the the top of the page and click "Return" (or "Enter").


19th Conference Proceedings

The full proceedings of the Perth Conference are now available for general distribution. The package includes the scientific papers, presentation slides, and Association pages. In the top navigation bar, click "19th Conference Proceedings".

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  • JoomlaWorks Simple Image Rotator
  • JoomlaWorks Simple Image Rotator

Proceedings of Past Conferences

All AAABG Conference Proceedings vol. 1 (1979) to vol. 18 (2009) are available on-line through "Livestock Library". The papers are in PDF format and are indexed for searching together with other journals and conference proceedings that are part of the Livestock Library.

Go to the general AAABG web site ("AAABG Home") in the top navigation bar, or click this link:

All Past Proceedings

30th Anniversary Conference

The 30th Anniversary Conference was held in September 2009 in the Barossa Vally, South Australia. It comprised an Applied Genomics workshop, the 18th Conference of AAABG and a special Industry Day. This post-conference site contains the themes and programs of each activity, complete proceedings of the 18th Conference and a photo gallery. Click on this button: